Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Epic Things of ze Week

Epic quotes and going-ons of the week. Courtesy of.. well, us :D and you shan't know who 'us' be! Mwahahahahah. Anywho, to get on with it:

On Monday we are freaks, on Tuesday we are creepers, Wednesday we are idiots, Thursday we are spazzerz, Friday we are cool, Saturday we are tiepose, and Sunday we are One and the Same!

Imp: *falls off her bed and dies from laughing so hard* fohbadflsh
Katie: *tries to undead her*

Katie burped out her butt.

Donny is the grandson-in-law of Katie, although Donny is older than Katie.

Monday's quote of the day (courtesy of Katie) was "Oh shuddap lil angel"

Katie quote: Donny Stephenson you really need to stop eating Pepsi cans. Impossible Insomniac Stephenson, are you aware that your boyfriend/husband, is eating Pepsi cans, then burping them up?

On Tuesday, we decided to get back at Kayden. I called him while Donny and Katie and I were talking on Skype and Yahoo voice, and then, we let him listen to our conversation without having a clue who we were or what was going on. Then I called agian after he hung up and left him a voice mail, stating his name, birthday, and that he was stupid.

Imp quote: Dinosaur butt.... I see a dinosaur butt on my laptop..... and it's pink...... I wonder if the dinosaur butt is pink cuz it got spanked.....

Creeper quote by an unknown person (*cough cough* Imp): *glares at Donny* Fonny Doo Linny, talk to me!

Tuesday Quote of the day:
Katie: Let's spazz!
Imp: Why?
Katie: Because I'm hyper! *begins to spazz*
Imp: *begins to spazz* Hey, it's creeper day, not idiot day!

Katie quote: I vill ze keetty zat takez over ze vrold

Katie's epicness: *giggles like an idiot and points at her tummy saying "I HAZ TUMMY!!!!"*

Oh! And just for Katie's sake: DONNY LOOKS SEXY WHEN ALL HE WEARS IS JEANS!!!! :D

Enjoy, my dear wonderful (hopefully fellow idiots?) deeps and possibly evil dudetteds.
Donny's girl :D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beyond anything I've ever thought possible.

Hello, my name is Proffesor Clarence Robert Moody. However for shortend terms I just go by Dr. Moody. I work at a undisclosed labratory. I have a golden retriever named Donny. Everyday, I leave for work, and I come back and things always seem different, as in, youd just expect the atomasphere to be different with a dog roaming about the house. The only reason i have started to become suspicious, was I had taken a sample of and unnamed liquid substance, however I had completely forgotten about it until morning. When retrieving it out of my coat, I came to find that it was missing. I had no idea what that substance was, I had brought it home to do further testing on it in my basement, but of course it was gone.

I finally decided to leave a camera in the kitchen, constantly sending a feed to my computer for viewing when i had got home. I choose the kitchen because that is where i had found the activity. I expected to find some teenagers coming in, using my home as a hang out. What i came home to find was beyond my imagination. I am going to show you a small clip, of what i found, i can only show you a small portion due to certain laws. It may cofuse you, but all you need to know, is that, you will be watching my dog, my golden retriever, Donny.

Ummm, yeah. "TITLE!!!!"

So yeah sorry i havent um posted in a while, ive been kinda sick... With bei.... Woh woh woh woh! Do not tell me you were about to use Ryan Higa's "Beiber Fever" joke! Umm, may-be...? Dude, not cool. Anyway yeah, i really have been sick. And no i didnt have beiber fever. I dont right now, i never have, and i never will..... Ew. Anyway i know i probably just lost all 1 of my beiber fans, and all the rest of them with this joke, but oh well. Anyway umm yeah so my next blog is actualy for a video i did for UNDYS Productions, just a little heads up, so yeah, there will most likely be a link to it in there, so if your curiuos to watch it, well, yeah youll have the link ;)

So yeah im gonna go ahead and sign off for now, and yes i remember who i am now... Im bugs bunny... I think. Oh well till next time, ehh whats up doc?

Monday, August 1, 2011

The clown statue

So, hannah had me up till idk, say, 4 AM!!!!! Its ok tho, she needed me, and i like being there for her. So you know some people say im not "normal", i am now happy, cuz, who wants to be "normal"? Normal is boring, im far from boring. And in remark to that someone said, "I think you are normal, why do you think you are not?" well you know because normal is boring, normal is doing what everyone else does, its doing the same thing all the time, everyday, its like becoming a zombie, i like being different, i like that when everyone else says "lol" i say "kik" it lets me know that im me, not someone else, the way people view "normal" would be walking in a straight line doing what this society guides you to do, we may live in a free country, but that doesnt mean people arert going to do what everyone else is doing cuz they think its right, they feel weird, well im "weird" and not "normal" and im proud of it, cuz i at least know who i am.

This is umm, wait, whats my name? Who am i? Oh well im some random stranger who doesnt know who he is signing off for now. Peace yall